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  • We are excited to announce that our 30th Annual Extravadance & Tumble Recital, "In My Dance Era" will be held at the Winston Salem Fairgrounds Annex, 414 Deacon Blvd.  This is a great venue (with plenty of room!) for our

  • We are proud to offer Spot TV to all our dance families!  You can watch your child’s class on your phone or computer every week!  Because we do not have open observation and, in-class observation is difficult in every classroom,

  • Why stop dancing in the summer? Stay with the continuity of your regular combination classes or try something new – or both!  The Summer session begins June 3rd.  Weekly classes, camps and workshops will all be posted shortly.  Summer is

Annual ExtravaDance & Tumble Recital A REALLY Big Show!!

ED&T has only one big recital a year, but it’s a big show you do not want to miss! We do other presentations during the fall and winter – Christmas shows, and Spring Fling activities keep us busy! These shows take place at our studio and the recital is at a large venue such as a school auditorium or theatre. This year, our 30th Annual Extravadance and Tumble Recital will be held at the Winston-Salem Fairgrounds Annex, 414 Deacon Blvd. in Winston-Salem. This venue has enough space so that seating is not limited, and dancers can invite all their friends and family! Each performance will feature all levels and ages of dancers and is meant to entertain parents, grandparents, and friends of our recreational and competitive dancers alike. Be sure to watch for updates on show times and days – May 17-18th 2024. This year the recital theme is ``In My Dance Era``.

The Academy Program at ExtravaDance & Tumble will focus on allowing dancers to move through a leveled class structure working on personal goals and achievement. It will also provide the opportunity for dancers to train in one particular style of dance.

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